August 1, 2002
Dear Bart,
My heart has been heavy to write to you for a long time, although I do write to you each day in my mind. It is always a concern that the letter won't find you and then the fear you won't read it. I do hope you receive and read this. I have also sent almost the same letter to Seattle in hopes that you will get it there with photos of the family and a few special friends since you indicated to me you have not used the computer.
We are doing fine and continue to love Montana. What a beautiful summer we're having. We have had enough rain to keep the land green. This is truly a blessing after four years of a drought. Last fall we had a fire out our back that burned 5,000 acres of the forest. So much has come back greener than ever and although a lot will take many years to return, it is still a beautiful view. Our sunsets and rainbows are a true picture to behold. We hope to share our home with you one day soon. We are always here for you anytime and love and miss you very much. We are aware a lot of changes have occured in your fellowship this last year and many have chosen to depart and have settled in Colorado--Greeley, Boulder, and Nederland I believe. We have appreciated meeting many of your former brothers and sisters that I know still care very much about all of those in the church.
We pray you are well and at peace.
As I said I mailed photos to Seattle with Molly and her family included. She now has twin baby girls and a little boy and lives in Austin with her husband. Also we received a darling picture of Tara and her family that I mailed to you. Thought you might enjoy seeing her sweet family. They are in Alaska and she home schools them all. She is also a nurse and has M.S. We haven't seen her since she married but have many sweet memories.
Heidi and I went to see Cheri in Lancaster, PA early July. She will come to Montana mid August with the children. It's always a joy to see her.
Ashley got married in FL in April so some of those pictures are from that get together. It was the first time in 34 years that all 5 kids were with your Grandma and Grandpa. Of course we've had 3 or 4 kids together often but not all 5. Ashley lives in Denver with her husband Pet D'Angio. She made a beautiful bride. The wedding was outside on Uncle Pete's lawn with the sun setting on the water. Grandma got a good report today with a colonoscopy. She has had cancer there twice with chemo so is very pleased.
Stacy and her husband ( from Bangladesh ) are having their first child in September. She is a physician's assistant which is between a nurse and a doctor. She has worked very hard in school.
I just took Heidi and went to Pocatello to see Aunt Dee. I'm not sure how much longer she will be with us. She is 90 and rather frail. What a dear she has been to us. She sure loves you. Karen, her daughter, and family care for her in their home. She was in a nursing home for awhile but very unhappy and dear Karen took her home. While in Pocatello I did see Uncle John and Aunt Donna. They were passing through. I told you they are opening an RV Park and living in their RV in Gila Bend, AZ. They hope to open in October. They too are well. Their Bryan married in October a precious girl named Natalie in Virginia Beach. She too has a special sister and was so sweet to our Heidi with deep understanding.
Dad is fine. We will have been married 35 years this December. He has been a wonderful father and husband. Bart, he loves and misses you very much as we all do. I pray he will see you soon as I was able to 2 years ago. I am very thankful for that 4 hours. As you know, John Lawrence has left your fellowship. I did talk to him about a month ago for the first time. I called him. He certainly thinks a lot of you and says you are most sincere.
We pray your heart will lead you to come home for a visit. As I told you 2 years ago, you have nothing to fear from us. We only love you, son. Dad and Heidi send their love and hugs along with mine.
With Love,