February 24, 2003
My dearest Joe,
I have been very worried about your well being given the heavy snowfalls across the US. You can only imagine the thoughts that run through my mind. I know that God is taking care of you but as Jesus had compassion of the humanness of all, you should do the same. Drop us a note and let your Dad and I know that you are OK.
We had been in Germany and have now returned to the US. We are back in El Paso until your Daddy retires which will be soon within two years. After that we don't know where we will be. I will let you know on this web page you are reading now. Our address is 10833 Sombra Verde Dr, El Paso TX, 79935-3617. Our phone number is 915-591-4345
Your brother, Paul, is living in Chicago now and his address is 2136 W Berteau Ave Apt 3N, Chicago IL 60618-2945. His phone number is 773-529-6711. Write him if you feel more comfortable communicating with him. He will let us know that you are OK.
Joseph, I live my days for you offering up all I do in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass for your well being and that of your brothers and sister. My prayer for you all is that God grant you all you need, every virtue and physical strength to bring to fruition in you what you were created to be and I know God will not deny me this request.
Know that I love you and that I have every confidence in the decisions and choices you make and I have always felt this way. Never have I presumed to know what call your heart should follow. I have every confidence that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are thriving in your soul, leading and guiding you and nurturing every divine gift you have received and which resides in you.