February 24, 2003
Dear Mr. Roberts,
You must know the human worry that parents must feel not knowing about the welfare of their children. So many people went to Jesus with their children asking for healing for them. "If you want you can heal her...." "If you can do anything have compassion on him." And we hear Jesus moved with compassion reaching out and healing them, "I do want...."
As those parents asked Jesus and later his disciples, I am asking you to ask your followers to email their parents (we can't find out their whereabouts through email) and let them know they are OK that they are not perishing in the woods in the freezing snow. Teach them a lesson in compassion and love. They love their parents. They are making great sacrifice to follow you and your spoken and unspoken wishes.
I was in the convent studying to follow the Lord as a missionary and it was absolutely demanded of us to keep our parents informed of our well being. The order cherished their sensibilities and often when parents are old and there is no one to care for them many orders encourage their members to leave and minister to their parents in their last years.
Mr. Roberts, I hope you will read this letter and be moved with compassion to the heal the pain of parents and order your followers to cease to ignore their parents since God loves them as he loves their children. He makes the sun to shine on the good and the wicked so how can we not do the same. God bless and move you.
Dorothy McDade