December 22, 2007
My Dearest Patrick,
Happy birthday!! It has been some time since I wrote you so I hope this finds you well and happy. I miss you so much. I wanted to let you know that all is well here. Darcy and JoAnna are doing well, but it seems as time goes by they are more and more heart broke over your not being with us. I am so sorry we missed you in June, I was hoping to see you and hear how you are doing. I really need to hear your voice and give you a hug it's a mom thing!!!
My practice is doing well; I am working with Iraqi soldiers as well as other trauma clients, but the soldiers certainly grab your heart as they are experiencing great pain. I love my work, but often feel overwhelmed so please pray for me.
Mike is working at the Clark County PUD now and is really enjoying his new position. The interesting thing is that we have to live in Clark County in order for Mike to work there. Most PUD's have this stipulation including Cowlitz. Sooooo..., if you can believe it, we are selling "Grandma's house" and building a new one. I did not plan on this in my life, but things often happen that you do not expect or plan for. I am just grateful for our lives as all is good. As Papa says, "We are so blessed as we are all healthy and happy, but it sure would be nice if Patrick would call!!!!" Papa is doing well although he continues to become more fragile as the months go on. We still have to sell the house and build a new one so we will be in Kelso for at least another year.
Connor, Sarah, Samantha, Alize and Tucker are all doing well. They are the best!!! All are doing well in school and are focused on the appropriate things in their lives. I really give Darcy, Tim, JoAnna and Grant a lot of credit for instilling in them the tools they need to live good and decent lives. It is difficult to set good boundaries, but they seem to do a good job. Our family has been so blessed, I pray in thanksgiving a hundred times a day.
We still wait for your phone call or visit. We love you so much and miss you more than you will ever know. We all have a big hole in our hearts that can only be filled by you. I continue to pray for your good health and safety and that you will find it in your heart to be with us again. The years go by, but our love for you only grows.
Please consider yourself hugged and a big "I love you my son." Remember, I will come to wherever you are at any time and any place, just let me know. Nothing is more important than seeing and talking to you again. I love you, my son and pray so many times a day that God will walk with you and let you know how much you are loved. You are a wonderful young man and you have many people who cherish you and pray for you daily. My nightly prayers always include "God I cannot see Patrick, but I know your eyes are on him as I pray tonight. Please let him know that I love him and especially that you love him. Please guide his steps home to us so we can be together again as you brought us together many years ago the day he was born".
I love you with a mothers love and pray for your return to us,
Your Mom