October 13, 2009
Dear Karen,
I am writing you today to ask that you contact me so we can reacquaint ourselves about what is going on in each of our lives. I'm still thankful that you called me last summer and I encourage you to call me again. Hearing your voice is a lot better than reading words in a letter. Perhaps you can just send me a general delivery address so I can send you a pre-paid phone card.
With mom and dad's deaths, I am reminded about how quickly life passes by. I was fortunate to be at their sides at the end and can assure you they in no way feared death. In the end they viewed it as a portal to eternal life with Jesus. They weren't at all like some other people I was with at the end, when I worked in a nursing home, who feared what awaited them upon their passing.
Mom and dad were bold believers to the end and it wasn't just a death-bed scenario. Pat has a wonderful story to tell about the last lucid moment he had with dad shortly before he closed his eyes and breathed his last breath. Dad was awesome to the end. Karen, you so missed out on the transformation that took place with dad in his later years. We give all the glory to Jesus who is a keeper of his promises.
I thought of you on your birthday this year and I want to first say that I continue to love you despite being apart from one another all these years. Just like when you first left with Mark Richard, you do not need to fear me. I long ago gave you over to the Lord and His leading trusting that you will finish the race and obtain the same prize all Christians are seeking. Before the day of His appearing takes place, I still desire to see you, to hold you and to rejoice with one another all the good things Jesus has done in each of our lives.
Please stay in contact with me. I love you.
To Jesus be the glory!