0 February 1999 Dear Shannon, Dear, dear, dear, dear daughter - where are you? I love you so much. "I want to see you again." My God-given role as your mother is to help you and nurture you and help send you forward to serve and glorify our Lord. What can I do for you? The profound glory of the Word confronts me daily as I work with young Christians "on fire" to serve and as I meet with mature Christians who freely share with me the insights they have gained after years of studying the Bible and living by biblical principles. But my heart yearns for you. The abstraction "Put God above all else in your life" becomes real to me every moment of life as I try to serve Him in the place to which He has called me: Mother and Professor. How I wish I could share with you my simple life of serving and glorifying Him. Shannon, you know I have turned away from the "pleasures" of the secular world and find peace and pleasure only in God. But from a biblical perspective, something is terribly wrong : my precious daughter won't talk to me. You may wonder how someone in the secular world can serve and glorify God. True Christians (not the hypocrites!) respond to the question "WWJD?" by carving out a small piece of the decadent universe and sharing God with the people in this realm through their words and actions. People learn about God as they see lives of self-sacrifice and example. Your brothers and I try to live such lives. In his letters to the Corinthians and Thessalonians, Paul stressed the importance of working so that he could care for himself, and he encouraged others to work and share the fruits of their labors with others in need. No one in the family of the church should ever be in need. Christians like your brothers and I want to be like Paul in (1) planting and re-newing churches in our communities and sending missionaries to plant and re-new churches throughout the world and (2) serving the needy and helpless through the Church. The Church has far to go to achieve this goal, but we are bound by God to work within the parameters of the local church through love and discipline of the members. The Mennonites provide a good example. I wish you would join me in establishing a community of believers dedicated to God and reaching out to the needy and helpless in the Mennonite tradition and incorporating the good aspects of the Jim Roberts community. Surely God created you for this purpose, dear daughter. Please tell me more about your community. I am so happy that you have chosen not to be a hypocritical robot in the ugly secular world of mainstream Christianity in which idols rule the lives of men. But perhaps God wants you to experience the blessings of a simple life within the context of a stable church community and the love of the family into which you were born and which wants to help you in a ministry to the needy and helpless. I don't think you have yet seen how powerfully God could use you in His world if you were free from the limiting and unnecessary restrictions placed upon you in the Jim Roberts Group. Shannon, please pray about this. God has encouraged me to reach out to you for answers to my questions: * What do members of the Jim Roberts group do to show that they love their neighbors other than recruiting others to their (self-centered?) lifestyle and isolating them from confronting nominal Christians who need to be encouraged and discipled to become more Christ-like? God would surely bless a ministry of sending you and some of your brothers and sisters into mainstream churches all over the USA to preach the message of self-sacrifice and love to get nominal Christians to share their wealth and learn about true joy. We would joyfully support you in such a ministry. * Why are you suffering the unnecessary inconveniences of constant travel, scavenging and reliance on charity to survive when Christians who love God and you would support your full-time ministry to the needy and helpless who don't know Christ? * Why do you limit your fellowship to members of the Jim Roberts Group when your flesh family and others who love you so much want you to also be part of our lives and work with us as we glorify the Lord in our service to "the least of them"? * Why don't you and some of the brothers and sisters move to the farm in Lockhart and establish a stable base which will actually free you from having to deal with your basic needs so that you can concentrate on reaching out to others who need Christ and your help in their lives? Or you could join the biblical Mennonite church in Ft. Collins or elsewhere and work with their strong, stable, active Christian community. * Why don't you join a missionary organization like WYAM so that you can reach out to others all over the word who suffer in pain and poverty and will never know Christ unless you go to them and share the Gospel? God uses people like you for such missions, and we would be happy to support you in helping those in desperate need. Listen to God's voice. Reach out and respond to the challenges He sets before Christians.
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