Dear Patrick,
I just had to write to you today! This is the first sunny, beautiful day we have had this spring. I know how very much you enjoy the first sunny days of spring. I hope you are somewhere that the sun is shining. It seems we have always had a conversation on these days and shared how much we both love springtime. Times for God's nature to show us new colors and spring time scents from her flowers and plants. I miss talking to you so very much. I would love to hear how you are doing and how you spend your days. I love you so very much. I have so much to share with you also! Your devotion to God has touched me so deeply that I too am studying his word daily. I enjoyed our conversations and discussions on scripture so very much before you left. I would be so happy if we could talk about these things again. I am sure you have much to tell me about your studies. I look out my window and see blue skies and I feel so close to you. I know you are leading the life you have chose and I pray God direct you in your studies and day to day life. You told me before you left that God's path is the only one you will ever follow. If you do this I know God will hear and direct you. JoAnna misses you so very much and would love to hear from you. Darcy and Jo call me everyday and I see them often. I am home more now so I can enjoy Connor, Sarah, Samantha and Alize more often. Whenever we have dinner together it is always quite a race to see who gets to say grace first. Samantha seems to always win only because we all enjoy her exuberance so much. Darcy and Tim are fine and looking forward to hearing from you. We love you Patrick and miss you terribly. We wait for the day we can all be together again, all talking at once and enjoying each others love and company. Please contact us soon dear son- As I do everyday - Thank you God for giving me my son, Patrick. I love you.
Dear Patrick,
Sometimes in the course of living our lives we are presented with situations that we cannot for see or control. This is the case with me and the relationships that have resulted when I married into your family. It has been the most wonderful two years of my life! I love your mother very much! We have such a great time together! Through her I have become closer to God than I have ever been before. She is a wonderful influence on me as well as the entire family. But this is nothing new to you I am sure. I have been very blessed with the chance to have a relationship with your family. Your sisters and their children are so much fun to be around and I enjoy all of the time that we get to share with each other. I even had Conner out on the golf course last year and I look forward to doing that again this year. Sarah has expressed an interest and we will be going out also. Tim signed Conner up for T-ball and we are all looking forward to him having a good time. Samantha and Alize are so much fun to be around especially when they are together. They want to be together all the time and it is fun to hear them ask about each other when they are separated. There is a lot of love between them and it will be great to see them share their lives as they grow up. Your PA-PA Darwin is a wonderful and kind man. He reminds me of my father in some ways. His devotion to his family and his faith are two of the things that stand out. I don't get to spend, as much time as I would like with him but the time that we do have is terrific. My sons Douglas and David are doing well. Doug is progressing with the land surveyor training and is enjoying his family. Lucas is the same age as Samantha and Alize and it is fun to watch them when they are together. David will be married in May and your Mom and I will be going to Atlanta GA for the wedding. I want you to know that I look forward to the day when you and I can talk and share our lives. I know that you are a wonderful person with strong beliefs and convictions. It is rare in this day and age to find a person your age that has the courage to follow his heart and live the life that he/she feels is the best. When you live a life that brings you closer to God, well you can't do much better than that. I very much want to get to know you better and pray for the day that we can. You have had such a profound influence on every life that you have touched that I know that our relationship will be nothing less than great. Your family has touched my heart and made my life so much better than anything that I could have dreamed and I love them all so very much. I pray for the day that you and I can share the same relationship.
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