Dear Patrick: We
love you and miss you so much. We had such wonderful visits with you
and treasure them. We know that you forgive us and that God has forgiven
us. We were desperate and matters got completely out of hand.
Our biggest fear was that you would leave and not forgive us. Thank
you from the bottom of our hearts. We know that you love Jesus and
we also do. We have become deeper and more faithful Christians now
and truly have a loving relationship with our Lord. At one time I
questioned whether I truly knew Jesus and now I have no doubts that I do.
You have helped us with that, to know that life is in the Hands of the Lord
and to trust in His ways. Someday we will all know the big picture
and until then we just trust in His divine leadings. We promised you
we would not pursue you or chase you any longer but that we would hope for
a peaceful and loving visit if we hear you are in an area. Please
consider writing or calling. Pray about it my dear son, we miss you
so much. We long to hear your voice and to get a letter saying you
are doing OK. I cannot help but be saddened that you are not here
to enjoy the wonder of the miracle of birth. Beth and Mickey had a
son, Liam Charles, on April 13. He is beautiful and we know how much
you love children and would enjoy being an uncle to him. God has blessed
us with a healthy and oh so cute grandchild. Take care of yourself
for me. We love you with an everlasting heart and pray each day for
your safety and well being. May God protect you and may He shine His
light on you and guide your ways. We love you with all our hearts.
Mom, Dad, Mickey, Tim, Sharon and Liam.
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