May 27, 1998
Dear Pat,
We are making an attempt to communicate with you through this webpage. We want so very badly to be able to write and receive letters with you. We feel it's important you know about what's going on in your family.
Mickey and Beth were married a year ago in May. Tim and Ranee are getting married in October. They would both very much love to have you attend their weddings.
We regret to tell you that Grandpa Rooney and Noogsie have died. They both loved you very much.
We know your reasons for leaving. Just know that we also love Jesus. We love you very much, and know that Jesus will guide you in your ways, and keep you safe.
We'd love to have you call once in a while. Maybe even come home for a visit. Our area code has changed to 978. Please call.
All our love forever.
Mom and Dad
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