September 1, 1999
Brittney, Happy Birthday, Today you turn 20 years old . Happy Birthday from your family, Dad, Melody, Myke, Amy, Megan, Bryton, Mom and Myself. We all wish we could celebrate with you the day God brought you into this world. We love you Brittney and just want you to be in contact with us, do your thing, be with you friends, but just be part of our family too. Just because you are part of our lives doesn't mean that you will back to your old ways. As Christians we all need to be careful not to slip back to our old ways, but that doesn't mean we can still be part of families life's. I "wish" with all my heart that I didn't have to write this letter, but as Grandma Chase always said, "if wishes were fishes we would all be swimming in the sea". So I am writing this letter with the lords help and pray that you will be able to read my words. Well, we celebrated Dad's 50th birthday on June 2. You would have loved it, of course I had to give him a hard time about turning 50, but for the first time in his life I think that his age is really bothering him. All of us where there, Myke, Amy, Kaytlynn, Kyler, Megan, Melody and I. At one point we were all in the front room and I half expected you to walk down the stairs and make some comment to Dad about his age, but we know that isn't possible at this point in our lives. Another school year has come and gone for Megan and Bryton. They are both very smart girls. Megan has your drawing abilities, you would be so proud of her, she remembers me all the time, that you were the one to teach her how to color. Sometime when she prays at night, she will ask the lord to bring you home so you can teach her to draw. Megan is also in the ALPS Program (Accelerated Learning Program) so as you can image I have my hands full. With the lords help (reading his word everyday) she will grow up to be a good Christian person. Bryton talks about you all the time. Bryton, is with Megan and I a lot, with mom still working nights and all, she needs to be around family. All three of us go to a bible study once a week and it has been a great to be able to grow spiritually together. Please keep Megan and Bryton your prays, they miss you terrible and you being away is very confusing to them. They feel as though you might forget who they are and no matter how I reinforce to them that that is not possible, they still do not understand. I am very "thankful" to the lord that you and I have a spiritual bond in common and I pray that one day it will be the lords will, that we can worship together. As an adult I now realize what a blessing we (You, Myke and myself) missed out on, not being brought up in the scriptures. Myke and Amy bought themselves a house their new address is: 415 E. Laurel Drive, Sandy, Utah 84093 (801) 566-8561. Right now Megan I have an apartment about 2 minutes away from Dad and Melody. Our address is: 7245 So. Apple Hone Lane, #21 Midvale, Utah 84047 (801) 561-4993. It's perfect for the two of us. If you are ever in the area ( Salt Lake City) and you and your friends needed a place to sleep and/or eat, it would mean a lot to me to have you all at my home. You and your friends will ALWAYS be welcomed in my home, for it says in the bible we are to welcome all into are homes and hearts, not to pass judgement on anyone. Please pass this open invitations onto your friends. I understand that I am "family" but I am also a Christian, who truly believes the bible and I do my best to be a person the lord wants me to be. Brittney it has been 5 months since we talked on the phone and it has been 2 years since you left Salt Lake City. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and your beautiful smile. I was happy to hear from the officer that you still smiled, I believe that your smile is a gift from the lord and that he wants you to shear it with the rest of the world. There also isn't a day that goes by, that I don't think about my sister and how wonderful it would be to be able to share all the blessings that the Lord has given both of us, but because of the lack of communication we can't even talk to each other. Brittney you know that none of you family would stand in your way of serving God, or your happiness, but we just want to be able to share that with you and share our lives with you. We would all love to hear about the experiences you are having, be able to share a meal together, be able to camp together. Brittney, I know that other brothers and sister have had visits with their families either in person or on the phone, why - why not you? Even a general delivery where we can send you letters. When we talked in March, I sensed a real peace in you voice and I praise God for that Brittney, but please listen to the Lord ( his bible) Let God speak to your heart and to you when you are doing your bible study. It tells us in the bible that letting others interpret the scriptures for us can hurt us and led us astray. You know what God has put in your heart. Lean on God when you are troubled and he will give "you" the answers that are meant for your life, remember Gods plans are perfect and as long as we don't try to make our own plans for our lives we will have all the blessings at the end. Something I learned recently, the bible is to be taken literately, unless the passage is immoral, impossible or inconsistent with the rest of the bible. Brittney, you told me that you are with people that love and care about you, Praise God for that, but no one can love you the way God loves you, remember his love will go with you no matter where you are or who you are with. Your family cares and loves you too, very much so, and will also be there for you no matter who you are with or where you are or how long you are gone. God did intend for us to have families, it is said time and time again in the bible. Gods love will never fail us and he will be true until the end. I pray the God comforts your heart each and everyday. I pray that one day you and I will be able to be missionaries together, helping each other grow in our walk with the Lord, while helping others that are in need. Remember Brittney that the Lord is the only shield of "Armory" that we need in this world. Well, I've said enough. The rest of the family would have written but I am the only one with a computer and they all send their love to you and would love to be able to speak to you. You are always with us in spirit Brittney and that will NEVER change, no matter how long you are gone, you will ALWAYS be part of our family. I'm going to leave you with some words from a song May the Lord raise to meet you . . . May the wind always be at your back . . May the sun shine warm upon your face . . . May the rain fall soft upon your fields . . . And until we meet again . . . May God hold you in the hollow of God's hand Together in Chris, Love Always Marnie and the rest of you family
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