May 27, 1998
Dearest Maria,
We have not heard from you in the past 10 months, and many things have happened in that time you might want to know about.
The good news is that Jon and Lori are engaged, and will be married on June 22, 1998
The sad news is that Grandma is dying. She was diagnosed with cancer in June of 1997. It was found in her brain, her liver and her left lung. She opted for no treatment, since her chances for survival were minimal. She was holding her own through February. Then her health began to deteriorate rapidly. We are caring for her at home. That was her wish. She is near the end of her life now. She has not had anything to eat in over two weeks, and is only drinking a few ounces of water a day. She is not in pain. For that we praise God. She's lucid, but rarely speaks anymore. She is at peace, and smiles frequently. She still has a twinkle in her eye, and is simply waiting for Jesus to come for her. She prays for you constantly, and would like to see you or at least speak to you before she dies.
We would have contacted you earlier, but we had no way of knowing how to reach you.
Please call Grandma. If you can't do that, then please pray for her.
Dad and I, Jon, Lori, Joe, Ben and Jill miss you more than I can express.
May God and His Angels watch over you. May He keep you close to His Heart, and bless you with true Faith, Hope and Charity.
We love you.
Mom and Dad
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