My dearest Jay (Yehuda),
This is a pretty public way to get a message to you, but I'm hoping you will see it or one of the brothers or sisters will tell you about it.
Most of all, I want you to know your dad, your brothers, your neices and nephew, and I love you!
You are in my thoughts every day, and I pray for you. Most of the time I pray Eph. 1:17-21. But in my heart, too, for you and all the brothers and sisters, and for me and others for whom I pray is Col. 1: 9-14.
Of course, I also pray that God will move on your heart to contact us or visit us.; I long to know the 33 year old man the Holy Spirit has shaped and formed.
Our good news is that Shepard and Elizabeth are expecting a baby in August. They are so pleased and excited. Shepard has wanted to be a father.
Your neice Julia (11 years old) longs to know you. She has a very special love for the Lord. He has touched her in a wonderful way.
I am leading a Bible study for some recovering alcohol and heroin abusers at a half-way house in Bridgewater. It is a blessing to see them grab hold of the Lord. They know He is their only hope -- as He is for all of us. But they know it more profoundly than many of us Christians do.
Your dad joins in sending much love. May God's love enfold you.
Your Mom
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