May 28, 2000
Dearest Michael,
I have some very sad news and words just cannot soften it. Your sister, Jennifer, passed on to Our Lord on Wednesday, May 24. Her pain has ceased. As she finds eternal peace in The Lord's infinite love, she is now meeting her brother, Jeffrey, and grandparents that she never knew.
Michael, we all love you so very much and pray for your presence here. I have attempted to get word to you. How much we need you at this time! I, too, want to be of comfort to you, to pray together with you and share the blessings of faith that gets us through the pain.
Services are at our church on Tuesday, May 30th at 11a.m., with Chuck Kutz-Marks and Michael Anton. Chris and I will leave for about a week afterwards to take care of her affairs. Our cell phones are: 616-352-6747 and 616-260-8289.
Michael, please call. Please join with us in our goodbyes.
Mom, Dad and Chris
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