July 26
Dear Matt,
Everyone really misses your beautiful smiling face. I'm just writing this letter to let you in on some news. First off, Mechelle is starting her internship at WDW on Sept. 4, 2000. She will be there for 4 months & is very excited & maybe a little nervous.
Your Aunt Cindy got married to a fellow named Bob Jones. They had a baby girl & named her Bella Rose. She is already 2 yrs. old.
Your cousin Tino had a son but the baby died of SIDS at 1 month old. It was heart breaking.
All your other younger cousins are just growing like weeds. Your older cousins are all hard at work and ask about you & wonder how you have been.
Both your Grandmothers are doing fine & really pray to see you again. They love you so.
T.U.C. is still going strong. Hey, we really could use your help. Your Dad really misses working with you in the summer months & still brags about how hard you work.
Could you do me a small favor & call your Dad, Mom, Mechelle or me. We all would love to hear your voice. Better yet...you know where we live, can't you come for a short visit? You can always bring your friends.
The phone number is still 630-830-9329 & your dad's cell phone is 630-209-5860
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love always,