September 28, 2000
Dear Bart,
I have just mailed this letter to CO % of Jerry Williams, but wanted to send it via the web in case he is not there.
The card I selected has a front porch swing which reminded me of my childhood memories on mama Clyde's front porch. I spent many an hour there swinging. It's now on Aunt Pat's front proch and I still enjoy swinging there. The card says "Thinking of You" open it and it says "is some of the best thinking I do".
A month after I saw you I was amazed at how God had once again brought word of you through our dear friend, Becky Anderson. When she called to say she'd talked to you for 15 min. we felt so blessed once again. I asked her to see if she could find you to maybe talk to your Heidi and Dad especially. I was praying hard you'd say yes. She sent her Heidi and husband to look for you. Heidi said when a security guard happened to be standing at a doorway she thinks that is why you turned and left. We were disappointed but just want to remind you of what I said. You have nothing to fear. What were you thinking? We love you, son. You are always with us. We're always here for you.
Cheri will come alone in three days and stay 4 days with us. We sure look forward to her visit. It saddened me you never read her letter to you when she tried so hard to get it to you (5 places I think).
God Bless. Love,
Mom, Dad, and Heidi